Episode 061 : Christopher Moore


I'm delighted this week to have Christopher Moore as my guest. Chris is an international novelist and New York Times bestselling author. I asked Chris to come to the show to talk about his influential book "Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christs' Childhood Pal."

After my departure from the Catholic Church I picked up this humorous tale of Jesus' gap years and it helped heal me in a way I never knew a fiction book could do. It also affirmed my own path with destiny. Chris shares how this book came to be, the journey he took Joshua on and why it's connected with so many people. He's also shares a story of how his book was sent to the Pope and how it's been taught at Harvard Divinity school and many others! 

To find out more about Chris head over to his website or follow him on Facebook and Twitter @TheAuthorGuy

Podcast Production:


Episode 055: Mike Dooley


Episode 052: Dr. Gena Minnix