Episode 149: Debra Silverman


This week I sit down with world renowned astrologist and psychologist Debra Sliverman to discuss her book "The Missing Element: Inspiring Compassion for the Human Condition." Debra shares what the four elements are, how they can present in each person, what to look out for from the shadow side of each element and how to cultivate the element that is least dominant to create internal balance and harmony. Debra and I discuss humanity as a volunteer position and how her book is meant to help people alchemize and share their human experiences. We also discuss how understanding the elements and astrology is great for self-education but also wonderful for understanding the people in our ecosystems better and interacting with them from a place of compassion and curiosity.  Follow Debra on Instagram @debrasilverman_astrology and subscribe to her YouTube Channel here

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Podcast Production:


Episode 151: Ana Lilia


Episode 137: don Miguel Ruiz, Jr.