How to move from survive to thriving: A new perspective.
Carrying the weight of your own survival is hard.
I offer you compassion to explore your own steps to move from survive to thrive. To define your own version of thriving in an honest, self-led way that helps you achieve what is right for Y-O-U.
Carrying the weight of your own survival is hard.
We are inundated with messages prodding us to thrive, but the world has missed a step or two...
We can't bypass all the steps it takes to get from survive to thrive.
We can't forget how scary change and evolution can be at a cellular level. Not to mention financially, mentally, emotionally, and physically.
And it's easy for someone who is already thriving and has achieved monetary, spiritual, mental, and health ease to say "I did it, you can too."
I'm a details girl. I'm a spiritual being living in a 3D reality and I see the truth of what each one of us has to confront in this human life. And I don't want to skip over any of it.
I don't like to gloss over anything. I see my fellow humans trying so very hard to create a different life for themselves and still struggling despite all their hard work.
I see a new system emerging that is asking us to bypass reality, which undermines us creating a new one.
You can move from survive to thrive. I did.
It was a long haul. It did require patience and planning and things didn't happen all at once.
I started to heal my nervous system. I had to make difficult and life changing decisions, that in the short term and on their face seemed to veer me off my life course.
Then I had to heal my financial situation. I had to repair my relationships. I had to confront fears. I had to heal my body. I had to heal my mind.
I had to cultivate safety and security in myself, inside this disruptive and volatile 3D world.
This might seem like a gloom and doom post, but I am offering you a different perspective and path to move from survive to thrive.
One that removes judgment and pressure to be "thriving" already, as if it is something we can whip out of thin air magically.
Bypassing is an epidemic in our culture.
We have to tell the truth. To ourselves and others.
And if we can't be honest about our struggles to survive, then we can never truly connect with what we need in order to thrive.
Thriving is a spiritual, mental, financial, health and well-being privilege.
If everyone was thriving, I wouldn't be writing this and it wouldn't be resonating with you, now. I say the truth here not to invoke fear, but to instill peace and possibility. We can't operate from a fear based mentality. But we can see the reality of what is in front of us and act with courage, honesty, love and a solid plan.
I offer you compassion to explore your own steps to move from survive to thrive. To define your own version of thriving in an honest, self-led way that helps you achieve what is right for Y-O-U.
To liberate yourself, from the inside out.
Yes, we are all inherently worthy of thriving. We just need help sometimes figuring out the steps from S to T. (surviving to thriving.)
If you need help moving out of survival mode, creating a clear life plan, and stabilizing your financial systems you can work 1:1 with me.
Book a discovery call with me below.